Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lazy About Blogging

I've kind of been lazy about blogging lately. Mostly because not much has happened in the past few weeks.

I've gone to the movies. I've gone to class. I've cooked for myself. I've bought more books. It's basically become a routine of reading, sleeping and studying. I go to film soc as much as I can.

We hang out in the flat and we all talk but really it's only conversation which is interesting to us.

Basically in the past few weeks not a whole hell of a lot has happened. I wish stuff had happened but seriously nothing.

We had reading week which was essentially a week in which people said they were going to study but... they didn't.

There was Vale fireworks during that week which happened on Guy Fawkes day. Remember, remember the 5th of November, the gunpowder treason and plot.

It's sort of like the 4th of July. They burn effigies of Guy Fawkes. He was an anarchist who tried to blow up Parliament. He came close to. When he was caught, it was right next to the gunpowder. It would have done the job but it was wet. He was trying to light it. Essentially, it's the historical equivalent of getting caught with your pants down. They celebrate by blowing stuff up.

By the way, if he had managed to blow up Parliament, the whole world would be a different place right now. England would have gone into anarchy for a time. There would have been chaos.

Vale fireworks was fun... aside from the rain. The fireworks were set to music. Indiana Jones, Mission Impossible, Back to the Future, Top Gun, Jaws, Jurassic Park, Another way to Die (the Bond theme song), Eye of the Tiger and a few others. Star Wars was the closer. It was a good show apart from the soaking rain and the mud. I also was standing next to some jerk who didn't put his umbrella down. I got his run off and the rain on top of it.

There was also a small fair but we didn't go on any of the rides just because it was crowded and again, the rain.

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