Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bella Italia

Last Saturday we all decided to head into City Center to go to lunch and to do some light shopping at the Bullring.

That was a mistake and a half. On a Saturday, that place was jam packed with people going out to eat, doing shopping and all sorts of different things you could think of.

Also, we had that group mentality in which there are eight of us and no one can make up their minds.

After going from one place to the next and seeing one long queue after another, we still couldn't make up our minds.

Mark got royally frustrated and stormed off. We coaxed him back but still, he was quite agitated. Essentially, in a group of eight, we became politicians who know what they want (food in our case) but can't make up their minds to get it. I'm trying to imagine us trying to go to war with some country. We wouldn't be able to make up our minds let alone come up with a strategy to execute said idea.

Finally, we settled on Bella Italia. It was a sort of posh Italian restaurant. The menu was practically all in Italian. To be honest, I can't remember what I had... well, what it was called but I can tell you it was pretty good. It was some sort of noodles, peppers, cheese, chicken and sauce dish.

We had to scrap shopping because of how late it was. So, we decided to head back to Pritchatts Park. Later on we went out to the Green Man pub. That was... fun... too much fun. I'm noticing a pattern with myself here. My Achilles Heel is for pubs.

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