Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The following morning I checked out of my hotel after getting breakfast.

I decided to go to the London Film Museum which is right next to the London Eye. It was alright. Some of the props there were interesting but for the price I paid, I was expecting to see a few more props from more well known movies. Some of the people who were working the job obviously didn’t want to be there. Some looked annoyed and some were peppy. I suppose that is like any job. Especially one as mundane as working in a film museum.

The coolest prop there was the carbonite slab of Han Solo from The Empire Strikes Back. The also had the Alien queen from Aliens as well as the wet suit worn by Matt Damon in the Bourne Identity. I forgot to take a photo of some of these props.
After that I went to Covent Garden Market again. I got lunch at an outdoor Italian restaurant. It was okay though overpriced.

I went to Trafalgar Square and went to the National Gallery. They had a wide range of paintings there. Some I’m sure I’ve seen before in an English Anthology along the line. They had paintings there by Degas, Monet (or Manet I can’t remember… or both), Pissarro, Seurat and many others. The building itself was a work of art as well. Beautiful. The best part of it was that the entry was free. They are government funded and because of this, it is open to the public. They do have donations boxes in front of the entryways.

No pictures were allowed at all. In fact there was more than one occasion when a guard had to tell patrons to delete a photo that they had just taken.

I sat in awe in front of those paintings.

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